Is our business ready to partner with an MSP? Take this quiz to find out.

Are you wondering if your business could benefit from the expertise and support of a Managed Service Provider (MSP)? Take this quiz to assess your IT needs and determine if it's time to consider hiring an MSP.

How often do you experience IT issues or downtime that disrupts business operations?

a. Rarely or never

b. Occasionally

c. Frequently

Do you have dedicated IT staff with the expertise and resources to manage your IT infrastructure effectively?

a. Yes, we have a skilled in-house IT team

b. We have one or two IT staff members, but their expertise is limited

c. No, we rely on ad-hoc IT support or have no dedicated IT staff

Are you confident in the security of your IT systems and data against cyber threats and data breaches?

a. Yes, we have robust cybersecurity measures in place

b. We have some security measures, but we're not sure if they're adequate

c. We lack proper cybersecurity measures and are concerned about our vulnerability to cyber attacks

How well-equipped are you to handle IT infrastructure upgrades, software updates, and technology migrations?

a. We have a clear plan and resources to manage these tasks effectively

b. We can handle some updates and migrations, but it's a challenge

c. We struggle with updates and migrations and often fall behind on technology advancements

Do you have a comprehensive data backup and disaster recovery plan in place to protect against data loss and downtime?

a. Yes, we have a robust backup and recovery strategy

b. We have some backup measures, but they may not be sufficient

c. We lack proper backup and recovery solutions and are at risk of data loss

Are you able to provide 24/7 technical support to address IT issues and concerns promptly?

a. Yes, we have round-the-clock support available

b. We provide support during business hours, but not outside of that

c. No, we don't have the resources to provide 24/7 support

How satisfied are you with your current IT infrastructure and support services?

a. Very satisfied

b. Somewhat satisfied

c. Dissatisfied


  • For each "a" answer, give yourself 3 points.

  • For each "b" answer, give yourself 2 points.

  • For each "c" answer, give yourself 1 point.


  • 18-21 points: Your business is well-prepared to handle its IT needs internally.

  • 12-17 points: Consider partnering with an MSP to address your IT challenges and enhance your cybersecurity posture.

  • 7-11 points: Hiring an MSP could greatly benefit your business by providing expertise, support, and proactive IT management.

Remember, partnering with an MSP can help alleviate the burden of IT management, improve security, and allow you to focus on growing your business. If you scored in the lower range, it may be time to explore the benefits of working with an MSP.


How Managed Service Providers Save Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Money


Employee Training & Cybersecurity